This is the walk out to the garage.
This is the front porch. Ignore the tacky paint on the bricks.
Out the front gate to the street. Since I live on a corner I got all the snow that blew down the street North to South.
The driveway. All shoveled by hand, I'll have you know.
As far as I got on Thursday because the plows had not yet been through. I didn't want to duplicate effort and wasn't going anywhere anyway.
My unplowed side street.
Taking pictures with mittens on is hard.
Yeah. but didn't you get a snowpocalypse recently?
We got another heavy snowfall the end of February--about 11 more inches. It was heavy and wet and the city plows left a huge mess at the end of the drive because of all the parkees on the street. It is just now all gone. We are having rain and sleet now.
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